Drivers Space E800 Port Devices

A yellow triangle next to a device in Device Manager means that Windows has identified a problem of some kind with that device. The yellow exclamation mark provides an indication of a device's current status and could mean that there's a system resource conflict, a driver issue, or, frankly, almost any number of other things. Clear working space typical typical disconnect switch SD GFI GFCI S SWITCH READILY ACCESSIBLE FROM PIT ENTRY. Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing: IBC Engineering, PC Phone (716) 836-2315 Fax (716) 836-2319 Environmental Consultant: Sienna Environmental Tech Phone (716) 332-3134 Fax (716) 332-3136 Structural Engineering: LF Engineering, PLLC. Hardware Device Drivers. AppleTalk Device Drivers; Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Device Drivers; Cable Modem Device Drivers; Cellular Modem Device Drivers; Ethernet Device Drivers. Linux and the 3Com EtherLink III Series Ethercards (driver v1.18c and higher) 3Com Vortex device driver; Linux kernel driver for Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) family. Drivers Catalog ⇒ Port Devices ⇒ Space E800 ⇒ SpaceE8001X3G Diagnostics Device (COM6) Drivers Installer for SpaceE8001X3G Diagnostics Device (COM6) If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer.

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Eclipse E800

( 1996 )

Nikon's Eclipse E800 biological research microscope was a versatile, ergonomically designed instrument that was one of the first models equipped with the revolutionary CFI60optical system designed to ensure bright, sharp, crisp, and aberration-free images in all applications.

Since its introduction in 1996, this research-level microscope has helped to set the standard for fluorescence imaging, low magnification brightfield, and other advanced applications. Building upon the success of the popular CFI60 optical system (60-millimeter parfocal distance and 25-millimeter objective thread size) first installed on the Eclipse E600, Nikon has moved a step further by introducing ultra-low magnification objectives and has increased the standard field of view to 25+ millimeters. Introduced with the Eclipse E800 was a plan 0.5x magnification objective, which accommodates a 50-millimeter field of view at the unprecedented magnification of 0.5x. When coupled with a 2x projection lens, the 0.5x objective permits macrophotography at 1:1 magnification (in effect, actual size documentation). The new macro objective lens is particularly useful for investigating large specimens such as brain slices, developing embryos, and extensive tissue sections. This objective is easily accommodated into the microscope without major re-configuration, and is interchangeable with other objectives on a standard rotating nosepiece.

Like the workhorse Eclipse E600, the E800 optical system features a tube lens focal length of 200 millimeters and advanced universal objectives for multiple observation techniques, including brightfield, darkfield, differential interference contrast (DIC), epi-fluorescence and phase contrast. Advances in optical design eliminate the need to change objectives in order to optimize contrast enhancing filters, annuli, or prisms while maintaining the same optical quality as dedicated lenses. The exceedingly long working distances, coupled with high numerical apertures of Nikon's CFI60 optics, allow microscopists to more easily handle even relatively thick specimens, provide superior resolution, and offer improved image capability with the elimination of optical aberrations. Axial and lateral chromatic aberrations are both corrected in the objective and tube lens, producing sharp, aberration-free images that are devoid of color fringing and distortion at the viewfield periphery.

An advancement over earlier research microscope frames and optical systems, the Eclipse E800 is truly modular with a choice of 10 types of condensers: darkfield (oil or dry), universal (oil or dry), phase contrast, swing-out, achromat/aplanat, long working distance achromat, low power and macro condensers. With the universal condenser turret, the microscopist may select phase contrast, DIC or darkfield condenser modules without stopping to change the condenser.

The E800 is outfitted with a base-mounted diascopic illuminator that uses a 12-volt 100-watt tungsten-halide lamp inside a pre-centered or centering lamphouse with an external power supply. To deliver a higher degree of brightness, episcopic vertical illumination is available with a 12-volt 100-watt xenon or mercury arc lamphouse powered by the built-in starter in the optional epi-fluorescence module. There is a choice of sextuple nosepiece or sextuple DIC nosepiece and detachable stages and substages.

By increasing the length of the parallel light optical path, the Eclipse E800's design accommodates the use of three levels of modules (i.e., epi-fluorescence, macro slider, and accessory modules) without significantly sacrificing optical performance. This is quite an advance in versatility from earlier modular frames that at first did not accommodate any other intermediate tubes when the epi-fluorescence module was in use and later with the E600, allowed one additional intermediate module. The Eclipse E800 was one of the first modular microscopes that can realistically perform at a research level from one frame for a broad range of fluorescence applications, such as video-enhanced contrast (VEC), fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and laser confocal microscopy, as well as other microscopy applications, coming closer to E. Leitz Wetzlar's ideal for the 'universal' microscope. Limitations beyond the 200 millimeter tube lens focal length, the optimum derived by the optics designers, are in part, based on a realistic height of the microscope and comfortable viewing.

Nikon's engineers, moving beyond the improved optics, accentuated the modularity and ergonomics of this advanced biological research microscope using computer-assisted engineering. Thorough design analyses resulted in greater strength and rigidity throughout the microscope. The wide base and arm and super-rigid structure ensure stable image acquisition at high magnifications, that is unaffected by the added load of mounted accessories including heavy cameras. The Eclipse E800 can accommodate large-sized accessories, up to five times the load of conventional microscope stands.

Drivers Space E800 Port Devices

Predicting fluorescence microscopists as the largest user-group, the designers of the Eclipse E800 favored these applications in both function and utility. Epi-illumination is beamed through an improved epi-fluorescence collector lens (corrected for entire visible spectrum with even illumination), the field diaphragm, the optional aperture diaphragm, and the applicable filter block housed in the epi-fluorescence module. The expanded linear slider for the E800 microscope handles up to five filter blocks (in contrast to the previous standard of four blocks): one multi-band filter, three corresponding single-band filters, and with one additional filter or the slider position is set aside for brightfield microscopy. The three neutral density filters in the epi-fluorescence module are replaceable with excitation filters making possible dual excitation applications without moving the filter blocks. The new designs of the shutter control and short-stroke slider lever permit quick, accurate switching of filters and touch recognition, even when operated from a darkroom.

Just as the objectives and condensers are matched in the optical system, the epi-fluorescence filter cubes or blocks are organized by application and excitation method for easier selection. Designation labels at the front of the epi-fluorescence attachment aid the microscopist in recognizing the current filter positions in the slider and their filter specifications. Six sets of single filters (ultraviolet, violet, blue-violet, blue, green, and yellow excitation methods), long-pass and band-pass green fluorescent protein (GFP) filters, three sets of dual filters, and two sets of triple filters complement the wide array of available objectives and condensers for the E800 for more than 27 different epi-fluorescent applications including serotonin, quinacrine, acridine orange, rhodamine and others.

The ergonomic design of the E800 allows the user to add accessory modules without changing the eye level. The main control knobs and handles can be operated with just a slight movement of the hand, reducing the risk of strain and stress from repeated motion over long periods of usage. Control knobs for focusing and moving the stage are located equidistant from the operator, eliminating the need to twist the body to reach both controls. A novel approach at the time of the E800 microscope introduction allows one-handed operation of both the stage and fine focus. The eyepiece tube is set at a 20-degree angle, a departure from the 25 degrees of the E600 eyepiece, which is claimed to be a more natural and comfortable viewing angle (based on microscopist field surveys). A tilting, variable eyepiece tube, which adjusts from 10 to 30 degrees, was also available as an option for custom fitting the microscope for multiple observers. Additionally, microscopists with deep eye sockets or narrow interpupillary distances may prefer the E800, since the interpupillary adjustment range is significantly enlarged and the diameter of the eyepiece lens reduced.

The low-profile stage has extended stage travel for movement and is centerable and rotatable. The space between the microscope arm and stage is greatly enlarged compared with conventional microscope bodies, facilitating nosepiece rotation and the use of objective correction collars. Coupled with the CFI60 objective's long working distance, specimen handling and micromanipulation on the E800 is made much easier.

The fully automatic photo system head can send 100 percent of the light from the objective to the observation port, metering sensor, film plane and TV (digital camera) port, ensuring a sharp, high contrast image at faster shutter speeds, even with dark specimens. The unique automatic finder system makes the photo system head easy to use. In bright field or low light fluorescence situations, the system automatically detects if the operator has moved away from the binocular viewing port and closes the finder shutter. Multi-sensor 0.1 percent and 1 percent spot, 35 percent average metering, and two program scanning spot metering modes make this photomicrography system better adapted for epi-fluorescence. Switching the optical path from one camera to another is a one-touch operation. Controls, such as the 4x magnifier selector, optical path changeover levers, and metering mode switching, are all concentrated together for quick access and speedy operation.

The U-III photomicrographic system featured an advanced exposure system with a multi-point sensor, performing quick, precise exposure settings. The optional cooled charged-coupled devices (CCD), CCTV camera, and video enhanced contrast (VEC) systems provide the microscopist with a wide choice of direct recording and flexible image processing for the Eclipse E800.

Nikon addressed some nagging problems in microscopy for the period with the Eclipse E800 biological research microscope. Anti-dust construction is integrated into the stand design and users have the option of getting eyepiece tubes treated with an anti-mold formula for reliable performance in hot, humid regions of the world. Focus problems related to thermal changes in the microscope related to heat from extended illumination were reduced by using special insulating materials and heat shields.

Today the Eclipse E800 is succeeded by the manual-to-partially motorized Eclipse Ni-U and Eclipse Ci Series of upright microscopes.

Intel Gigabit Linux driver.Copyright(c) 2008-2018 Intel Corporation.


  • Identifying Your Adapter

  • Command Line Parameters

  • Additional Configurations

  • Support

Identifying Your Adapter¶

For information on how to identify your adapter, and for the latest Intelnetwork drivers, refer to the Intel Support website:

Command Line Parameters¶

If the driver is built as a module, the following optional parameters are usedby entering them on the command line with the modprobe command using thissyntax:

There needs to be a <VAL#> for each network port in the system supported bythis driver. The values will be applied to each instance, in function order.For example:

In this case, there are two network ports supported by e1000e in the system.The default value for each parameter is generally the recommended setting,unless otherwise noted.

NOTE: A descriptor describes a data buffer and attributes related to the databuffer. This information is accessed by the hardware.


Valid Range


Default Value


Interrupt Throttle Rate controls the number of interrupts each interruptvector can generate per second. Increasing ITR lowers latency at the cost ofincreased CPU utilization, though it may help throughput in some circumstances.

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to a value greater or equal to 100will program the adapter to send out a maximum of that many interruptsper second, even if more packets have come in. This reduces interruptload on the system and can lower CPU utilization under heavy load,but will increase latency as packets are not processed as quickly.

The default behaviour of the driver previously assumed a staticInterruptThrottleRate value of 8000, providing a good fallback value forall traffic types, but lacking in small packet performance and latency.The hardware can handle many more small packets per second however, andfor this reason an adaptive interrupt moderation algorithm was implemented.

The driver has two adaptive modes (setting 1 or 3) in whichit dynamically adjusts the InterruptThrottleRate value based on the trafficthat it receives. After determining the type of incoming traffic in the lasttimeframe, it will adjust the InterruptThrottleRate to an appropriate valuefor that traffic.

The algorithm classifies the incoming traffic every interval intoclasses. Once the class is determined, the InterruptThrottleRate value isadjusted to suit that traffic type the best. There are three classes defined:“Bulk traffic”, for large amounts of packets of normal size; “Low latency”,for small amounts of traffic and/or a significant percentage of smallpackets; and “Lowest latency”, for almost completely small packets orminimal traffic.

  • 0: Off

    Turns off any interrupt moderation and may improve small packet latency.However, this is generally not suitable for bulk throughput traffic dueto the increased CPU utilization of the higher interrupt rate.

  • 1: Dynamic mode

    This mode attempts to moderate interrupts per vector while maintainingvery low latency. This can sometimes cause extra CPU utilization. Ifplanning on deploying e1000e in a latency sensitive environment, thisparameter should be considered.

  • 3: Dynamic Conservative mode (default)

    In dynamic conservative mode, the InterruptThrottleRate value is set to4000 for traffic that falls in class “Bulk traffic”. If traffic falls inthe “Low latency” or “Lowest latency” class, the InterruptThrottleRate isincreased stepwise to 20000. This default mode is suitable for mostapplications.

  • 4: Simplified Balancing mode

    In simplified mode the interrupt rate is based on the ratio of TX andRX traffic. If the bytes per second rate is approximately equal, theinterrupt rate will drop as low as 2000 interrupts per second. If thetraffic is mostly transmit or mostly receive, the interrupt rate couldbe as high as 8000.

  • 100-100000:

    Setting InterruptThrottleRate to a value greater or equal to 100will program the adapter to send at most that many interrupts per second,even if more packets have come in. This reduces interrupt load on thesystem and can lower CPU utilization under heavy load, but will increaselatency as packets are not processed as quickly.

NOTE: InterruptThrottleRate takes precedence over the TxAbsIntDelay andRxAbsIntDelay parameters. In other words, minimizing the receive and/ortransmit absolute delays does not force the controller to generate moreinterrupts than what the Interrupt Throttle Rate allows.


Valid Range

0-65535 (0=off)

Default Value


This value delays the generation of receive interrupts in units of 1.024microseconds. Receive interrupt reduction can improve CPU efficiency ifproperly tuned for specific network traffic. Increasing this value adds extralatency to frame reception and can end up decreasing the throughput of TCPtraffic. If the system is reporting dropped receives, this value may be settoo high, causing the driver to run out of available receive descriptors.

CAUTION: When setting RxIntDelay to a value other than 0, adapters may hang(stop transmitting) under certain network conditions. If this occurs a NETDEVWATCHDOG message is logged in the system event log. In addition, thecontroller is automatically reset, restoring the network connection. Toeliminate the potential for the hang ensure that RxIntDelay is set to 0.


Valid Range

0-65535 (0=off)

Default Value


This value, in units of 1.024 microseconds, limits the delay in which areceive interrupt is generated. This value ensures that an interrupt isgenerated after the initial packet is received within the set amount of time,which is useful only if RxIntDelay is non-zero. Proper tuning, along withRxIntDelay, may improve traffic throughput in specific network conditions.


Valid Range

Drivers Space E800 Port Devices Inc

0-65535 (0=off)

Default Value


This value delays the generation of transmit interrupts in units of 1.024microseconds. Transmit interrupt reduction can improve CPU efficiency ifproperly tuned for specific network traffic. If the system is reportingdropped transmits, this value may be set too high causing the driver to runout of available transmit descriptors.


Valid Range

0-65535 (0=off)

Default Value


This value, in units of 1.024 microseconds, limits the delay in which atransmit interrupt is generated. It is useful only if TxIntDelay is non-zero.It ensures that an interrupt is generated after the initial Packet is sent onthe wire within the set amount of time. Proper tuning, along with TxIntDelay,may improve traffic throughput in specific network conditions.


Valid Range

0-xxxxxxx (0=off)

Default Value


The driver copies all packets below or equaling this size to a fresh receivebuffer before handing it up the stack.This parameter differs from other parameters because it is a single (not 1,1,1etc.) parameter applied to all driver instances and it is also availableduring runtime at /sys/module/e1000e/parameters/copybreak.

To use copybreak, type:


Valid Range


Default Value

0 (disabled)

Allows the PHY to turn off in lower power states. The user can turn off thisparameter in supported chipsets.


Valid Range


Default Value

1 (enabled)

Drivers Space E800 Port Devices

This workaround skips resetting the PHY at shutdown for the initial siliconreleases of ICH8 systems.


Valid Range


Default Value



Interrupt Mode







IntMode allows load time control over the type of interrupt registered for bythe driver. MSI-X is required for multiple queue support, and some kernels andcombinations of kernel .config options will force a lower level of interruptsupport.

This command will show different values for each type of interrupt:


Valid Range


Default Value

1 (enabled)

Strip the CRC from received packets before sending up the network stack. Ifyou have a machine with a BMC enabled but cannot receive IPMI traffic afterloading or enabling the driver, try disabling this feature.


Valid Range


Default Value

1 (enabled)

If set to 1, configure the hardware to ignore all write/erase cycles to theGbE region in the ICHx NVM (in order to prevent accidental corruption of theNVM). This feature can be disabled by setting the parameter to 0 during initialdriver load.

NOTE: The machine must be power cycled (full off/on) when enabling NVM writesvia setting the parameter to zero. Once the NVM has been locked (via theparameter at 1 when the driver loads) it cannot be unlocked except via powercycle.


Valid Range

0-16 (0=none,…,16=all)

Default Value

Drivers Space E800 Port Devices Gigabit


This parameter adjusts the level of debug messages displayed in the system logs.

Additional Features and Configurations¶

Jumbo Frames¶

Jumbo Frames support is enabled by changing the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)to a value larger than the default value of 1500.

Use the ifconfig command to increase the MTU size. For example, enter thefollowing where <x> is the interface number:

Alternatively, you can use the ip command as follows:

This setting is not saved across reboots. The setting change can be madepermanent by adding ‘MTU=9000’ to the file:

  • For RHEL: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth<x>

  • For SLES: /etc/sysconfig/network/<config_file>

Drivers Space E800 Port Devices For Sale

NOTE: The maximum MTU setting for Jumbo Frames is 8996. This value coincideswith the maximum Jumbo Frames size of 9018 bytes.

NOTE: Using Jumbo frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result inpoor performance or loss of link.

NOTE: The following adapters limit Jumbo Frames sized packets to a maximum of4088 bytes:

  • Intel(R) 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection

The following adapters do not support Jumbo Frames:

  • Intel(R) PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter

  • Intel(R) PRO/1000 PM Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82562G 10/100 Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82562G-2 10/100 Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82562GT 10/100 Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82562GT-2 10/100 Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82562V 10/100 Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82566DC Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82566MC Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82566MM Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection

  • Intel(R) 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection

NOTE: Jumbo Frames cannot be configured on an 82579-based Network device ifMACSec is enabled on the system.



The driver utilizes the ethtool interface for driver configuration anddiagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information. The latest ethtoolversion is required for this functionality. Download it at:

NOTE: When validating enable/disable tests on some parts (for example, 82578),it is necessary to add a few seconds between tests when working with ethtool.

Speed and Duplex Configuration¶

In addressing speed and duplex configuration issues, you need to distinguishbetween copper-based adapters and fiber-based adapters.

In the default mode, an Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter using copperconnections will attempt to auto-negotiate with its link partner to determinethe best setting. If the adapter cannot establish link with the link partnerusing auto-negotiation, you may need to manually configure the adapter and linkpartner to identical settings to establish link and pass packets. This shouldonly be needed when attempting to link with an older switch that does notsupport auto-negotiation or one that has been forced to a specific speed orduplex mode. Your link partner must match the setting you choose. 1 Gbps speedsand higher cannot be forced. Use the autonegotiation advertising setting tomanually set devices for 1 Gbps and higher.

Speed, duplex, and autonegotiation advertising are configured through theethtool utility.

Caution: Only experienced network administrators should force speed and duplexor change autonegotiation advertising manually. The settings at the switch mustalways match the adapter settings. Adapter performance may suffer or youradapter may not operate if you configure the adapter differently from yourswitch.

An Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter using fiber-based connections, however,will not attempt to auto-negotiate with its link partner since those adaptersoperate only in full duplex and only at their native speed.

Enabling Wake on LAN (WoL)¶

WoL is configured through the ethtool utility.

WoL will be enabled on the system during the next shut down or reboot. Forthis driver version, in order to enable WoL, the e1000e driver must be loadedprior to shutting down or suspending the system.

NOTE: Wake on LAN is only supported on port A for the following devices:- Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network Connection- Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Connection- Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter- Intel(R) PRO/1000 PF Dual Port Server Adapter- Intel(R) PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter- Intel(R) Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule


Drivers Space E800 Port Devices Download

For general information, go to the Intel support website at:

or the Intel Wired Networking project hosted by Sourceforge at:

If an issue is identified with the released source code on a supported kernelwith a supported adapter, email the specific information related to the issueto